How to Play

- LMB to fire which will result in moving in the opposite direction

- Move your mouse around to change the aim position

About the Game

This is my first project made in Godot and was used as a way to expedite the learning process coming from a Unity background.

Though I'm disappointed I didn't get everything done that I wanted to due to running out of time (partially due to life, partially due to my own misunderstanding of the jam), I am still proud of the MVP I have created and everything I learned about Godot.

Making this game has solidified my decision further to continue development in Godot for future games, because I was able to transport my work to really any machine I like due to how light weight it is. (Love being able to work on games in my down time at my full time job with a not so great computer)

I look forward to continuing to flesh out this game to higher quality MVP that I am satisfied with before moving onto the next project!

Thank you for reading and thank you for playing!
God Bless!

Known Bugs

These are some bugs that I did find, but I simply didn't have time to look into how to fix before the deadline

- The enemies will get stuck on the player collider. 

- Shooting direction gets a bit buggy when the mouse cursor is directly over the player model. 

GDD Link :


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Really interesting idea and super well done for your first Godot game!

I think, personally, that the cursor could be better as simply a free cursor, instead of locked to the circular movement. It would make the aiming feel more intuitive, I think.

The only other issue I had was that I could not find the mouse (the grey reticle blended a little too much with the background.

Congratulations !!!!

Way to go Lucas !!!